The best is yet to come!

At the end, pain and suffering is worth it. If we all go with the attitude of best is yet to come then, we can see all our present problems as challenges and we can build a solution oriented mindset. In this blog post, my only mission is to help my readers to have a positive mindset to make progress step by step. No wonder how much of energy we utilize in thinking about future. You can’t change the past and I can’t change the past. I have experienced only thing that we get out of past is resentment and bitterness. The gateway to better future is only found in present. The wise ones take lessons from their past mistakes and make best use of their resources in present for building concrete future whereas, fools live only in past and lose so much in present. ‘The best is yet to come’ is only possible if we undertake noble aim in our lives. It is only possible if adopt qualities like serve people with kindness, seeking truth, revering Gods and be humble in our actions and with people. Sure, when you pursue good things it does take a lot of time but, at the end is worth it. The struggle is worth it. There’s so much of traffic on the path of evilness. The evil is very tempting. It is because, the reward is instant but, at the end the initial reward turns into poison. For the path of righteousness there’s lots of pain and suffering at first but, as long as we have the patience and endurance, the end reward is way more sweeter than your imagination. Even if you are facing criticism from the world but in your heart if you know that, you are standing for the right thing then, just keep your head down and fight, fight and fight. Turn your hope into action and go forth into the world and take stand for moral and ethical values. So, put your faith in God and believe in yourself. Trust your kind actions because, the best is yet to come!

The clock is ticking

Time never stops. It never rests. The clock is always ticking. How can we make best use of time is always a big question that runs in our minds 24/7. In this blog post I’m here to remind you the importance of time. Everyone of us got 24 hours in a day and how we use those 24 hours really make a huge difference in our lives. The big question is this how do we use our time? Do we mostly consume our time or do we use it productively to get ahead in our lives? With so much of information to process these days, it’s sometimes hard to find time. I believe that, because of too much is going around us, we have reduced our attention span. We can not deny that fact that, everyone wanna to get to the top of their fields but, only few have the mighty courage to make it happen. We call them successful people. We envy their lives but, often times we forget that, they made the best use of their time. They used it productively. I’m not saying that , in order to use time efficiently you need to stay awake all night and keep working 24*7 that’s not a right strategy. The right strategy is that find 2-3 hours in a day and make best use of it. Instead of using your time for entertainment at first, we can get the important shit done for the day first. Let me give you an example how wise people use their time and how common people use their time- A wise man always picks important/self improvement things first (reading book, writing, working out, making important calls for his business purposes and so on) and then, moves on to consume his time by looking for entertainment ( scrolling up and down on social media) whereas, any other person would say to himself that, since there’s too much to be done during the day so, why not to watch some tv? Why not to go on tik-tok and keep watching endless funny videos. By the time he’s done watching guess what, he is left with very little time and always do the important stuff/self improvement things in rush or delays it to the next day or complain about lack of time. The problem is not lack of time. It is lack of willpower to distinguish between consumption of time and making investment with time. Any person who is responsible enough puts his goals first because he knows that, people who are associated with him are dependent upon him. For him using his time productively comes first instead of just wasting it. A responsible man never forgets that, clock is ticking. So, let’s use our time on this planet to get all those things done first that could truly help the mankind. Let’s focus our energy on common good by engaging in self improvement. Let’s increase our attention span by reducing our time on social media. The choice is yours. No amount of money can give you an extra hour in a day. Remember always clock is ticking.

Importance of family culture

In order for the society to be strong or in order to lead the society in a steady direction, you need to encourage family culture. Great family values are the basic foundation of any healthy society. We need to keep and encourage family values in our kids to have better tomorrow. So, I decided to write a blog on family culture. Just like building a house requires a concrete foundation the same thing goes for having great societies. I genuinely believe that, people who give their attention to their families are less anxious, less resentful and less nihilistic. I believe that, there are certain things we can learn if we give importance to family culture. 1. You care more about others than yourself: I don’t have to give too much emphasis on this. It’s pretty much self-explanatory. The head of the family (generally male) protects and provides for the family. Mother takes care of the house and kids. Kids play with each other and drive each other crazy. I believe that, this is a wonderful description of any great family. Both parents take think and care about their kids. They do their best to give them great future! 2.When feeling low, talk to your family: I know that, it is sometimes hard to express your depressed thoughts to anyone because, we are too scared about what others will say about it. There’s something even more painful than keep storing negative thoughts in your mind and that is explosion of resentful thoughts like a volcano. If you feel that, something is bothering you, you need to talk to your loved ones in a positive manner. You take advice from your mom & dad because, they have more life experiences than you got. I’m sure that, if your intentions are pure, there’s always a way to fight with malevolence. All you need to have courage. Courage comes easily when you have focus on strong family values. 3. More fun with your siblings: i have been living in Canada for more than 5 years by myself. . I believe that, family is blessing. what I really miss is the fun that I used to have with my siblings. Driving them crazy. I miss the smile & I miss the laughter. Having fun really helps you to become stress free. I strongly encourage you that, if you got siblings make sure to drive them crazy. Have fun and laugh together a lot. 4. You learn discipline: when you stay with your family, you are assigned house chores. I know that, no one likes to do them but, it really shapes you. Your mom assigns you to clean your room, washroom. Making sure things are well organized. Your dad on the other hand asks you to help him to build/create something for the home. Sometimes asks you to bring something from the market. Doing All the small things helps you to become disciplined in your life. It’s way more better than reading hundreds of books on discipline. 5. Great values put spiritual needs first: if there’s a problem in the family, the whole family comes together to solve the problem. They come together and pray to the creator to give their family enough strength and courage to deal with the challenges. Kids are generally encouraged to pray to God before they go to sleep. I believe that, being grateful is one of the most important thing you can learn or embrace. At the end, I would like to say that, if you don’t have really good relationships with your family. The best thing you can do is to fix them now! If you have your reasons why you hate your family, have the courage to think about one great reason why you like your family and why it is so important for you in your life? Strong families create better society!

The beauty of life can be felt in darkness

The beauty of life can be felt in darkness Nobody likes darkness especially when you feel like your life has no profound meaning & purpose. I believe that, having too much of light can blind you too. If there was no bad in the world then, there’s no way we would be appreciating any good in this world. Darkness and light complement each other. In this blog post we need change our perspective about darkness to bring beauty, prosperity and happiness in our lives. Why we have made darkness a very scary thing in our lives? I know that, when you face any major problem in your life, it seems like there’s no way out there! Our whole world comes to apart! Fear about failure starts to dominate us completely. I truly believe that, when we experience certain difficulties in our lives, we radiate negative energy and negativity is completely associated with darkness but, it is only true on the surface area. As we dig deeper, we can really find the true meaning of darkness in our lives. It really awakens us up from our sleep and forces us to take back control of our lives by adopting meaningful responsibilities. Anything we do seems scary to us at first for instance, if someone wanna to learn how to swim, water seems really scary. Water seems like a picture of darkness but, when we open the eyes of our mind only then, we can see things beyond the surface level. When it comes to swimming we need to overcome the fear of water by jumping into the pool and pretty soon after making countless efforts someday, we just learn how to swim and we make water our best friend. The same thing applies in our lives too! When we see every problem beyond the face level, we actually dig deeper and seek out truth. Let me tell you that, a person who avoids darkness in his life at all cost lives a very boring life, cause he got no excitement. He got no experience in how to deal with anxiety and resentment. For excitement you need to embrace darkness in your life. You need to learn how to make best use of it to make your life better and bring back order. If you are looking to do something good it is crucial to acknowledge evilness in life. Just like a tree has its roots embedded into the the Earth’s crust to help the tree to grow, spread its branches and bear fruit. The same principle we need to apply in our lives. In order for us to grow, in order for us to touch the sky we need to start from the lowest level of our lives. We need to make darkness as our friend. We need to go deeper in the darkness to seek out truth, search out for light. I believe that, this is how we find peace, prosperity and above all true meaning of life

Decline of west

Western society is considered one of the most liberal societies of the world. Freedom of expressing your views in the democracy is considered as fundamental right of any individual who is living in the free world. Believe it or not, here in the west, politicians talk more about rights than responsibilities. We need to know that, where are these liberal values are taking us? We also need to know that, are liberal values really trying to improve our living standards or is it just the tool of our politicians to deceive the innocent people. We need to find out about Decline of west. At one time, western values were considered as sacred in the whole world. The rule of the thumb was that, free society leads to creativity and creativity leads to progress! But, over the past few years the way the governments have dealt with the covid tell us a different story. Censorship, mandates, putting people in the jails who speak against the propaganda machinery of the western governments is well known. Another sad reality in the west is this: there’s some sort of experiment going on how to promote diversity at the expense of competence. I’m not arguing that, diversity is bad. It is good only if different group of people come together and work for common good/single goal. If you bring different group of people together and have different agendas then, how will you move forward in one steady direction? Having multiple agendas leads to conflicts and having more conflicts leads to bigger cultural wars. Who knows that, cultural wars could lead to an actual war. What kind of society are we living in-where politicians for the vote bank dividing people on the basis of their skin colour. What kind of education system are we fabricating where we are teaching our kids about it’s okay to be part of woke culture. Radical racism theories are increasingly becoming the part of school curriculum. It’s sad to see that, it is encouraged to remove the essence of God from the lives to become more liberal these days. What kind of society that we are part of where, saying something on social media that is completely different from the rest of the majority is considered as a crime and you  get blocked by the big social media companies. Different governments, social media companies, mainstream media, banking systems all are trying to control your freedom. If you follow their rules, you are a good person but, if you express something that is completely different then, you are considered as part of fringe groups. This is completely against the traditional western values. I believe that, we are forgetting traditional western values. If both groups have different view points on a same subject matter then, there’s a possibility going for debate. There’s a possibility going for healthy argument. Now since, our attention span has declined dramatically, it is kind of hard to acknowledge different view points on the same matter. We need to go back to our traditional approach. We need to seek out truth. Serve others with justice and respect even those who got different view points than ours. At the end, I will say that, don’t just become the easy victim of government, big corporations. Open your eyes. Do some digging. Seek out the truth. Embrace some traditional moral and ethical values. Value real issues the world is facing. Only this way we can become liberate ourselves from falseness!

what’s holding you back

This year is ending soon. Very soon! So much happened  this year still, one more month to count.. some of you might be thinking that, the year is almost over and still they haven’t done anything good or interesting. So, what’s holding you back? You still have more than 30 days to finish this year! Maybe, you didn’t start good but, we can all be good finishers! Let nothing hold you back to go stronger into next year! we all know that how much bad we can bring to this world. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then, you need to go back to the history! History never lies (only if you don’t change the facts) History is full of blood, courage and sacrifice! We all know that, what nukes are capable of. We all know that, what evilness is capable of. Countless lives have been lost cause of the fights/wars. We don’t wanna to take the same road of destruction again. Here’s something interesting we should do over the next 30 days let’s see how much happiness we can bring into the lives of others who are associated with us. We all know that, the world has suffered incredibly because of nihilism and malevolence. what’s holding you back make sure you pray to God and be grateful before you go to bed. There’s are literally so many things we can do to make sure to end 2022 well! Instead of complaining about everything that we don’t have, it won’t do anything good to us! In-fact it will make us more anxious and resentful. Being resentful and bitter is not a solution of any problem. Instead of pleasing ourselves with pleasant lies, we need to seek truth. It doesn’t matter how hard is that but at the end truth will set you free. We don’t have to re invent the wheel. We just have to spin the wheel in a right direction. Now in what right direction? In a direction of total honesty with ourselves. In a direction of seeking truth and serving others with justice. In a direction that helps us to make our bonds stronger with the Creator. Let’s have our focus on bringing happiness, prosperity and meaning to the world by not holding our selves. Let’s bring smile on the faces of others for the rest of this year

Show a positive direction to your mind

  Your mind is one of the most crucial gift ever given to you by the creator! Your physical body can be damaged, wounded or killed. What about your mind though? Mind is formless/shapeless. It has no limits. In this blog post my whole purpose is to teach you that, never let your mind to go weak. Human mind is one of the most curious thing to study about. Why is that curious? Cause, you will never get bored to know your mind. Just like sky has no limits and just like no one can measure how much water an ocean can hold, the same thing goes with human mind. Mind works 24/7. Even you are working, you’re still thinking about something. If you are sleeping you will still be thinking and dreaming about something! Anything we do or say it all starts with a single thought. Our thoughts have an incredible amount of power to help us to do something either meaningful or non- meaningful. Believe me or not, we all are lost in our thoughts. It’s difficult to control mind. The moment you lose your attention, you lose your mind. Just like it’s hard to control winds the same thing is with our mind! I believe that, we all are working wrong with our minds. We all like to take control of it! I’m so tired when I hear that, we need to put our minds inside a cage like total control. I genuinely believe that, we need to come up with better excuses! If you are focusing on something negative then, how the hell you are going to control your mind from thinking negative? I believe that, we need to show a direction to our minds. A direction either in terms of positivity or in negativity. Rest we should leave everything on the mind to do. Some people focus more on positivity, where as, most of us focus more on negativity than positivity. I know it’s hard when you are going through some shit in life and it’s hard to get the focused right but, whining and complaining everyday 365 days in a year is not helping your mind to change its direction. If you are showing your mind a path of negativity then, you are at the fault! Your mind is like an infant. If you ask your mind to go and get lost in dense fog, your mind will follow that! You are the master of your mind. Your mind has to be your slave! Even if, 9 things are going wrong in your life and you are on the verge of losing everything then, find the 10th thing and do it right! Aim for good focus! Think about all the praises you are getting from your family members, colleagues. If you are thinking your family members are not very appreciative then, you need to do kind acts in your life and don’t ever ask for a return favour! A kind act will help your mind to change its course from being negative to positive! One positive thought might not sound enough to you but, believe in consistency. Thinking of a positive thing during your day set you for the next day. If you just keep adding days then, one leads to 2, 2 leads to seven days and 7 positive things in a week leads to 30 positive things in a month and pretty soon you just keep adding months and then, start working on adding years! Only thing you need to take away from this blog post is that, you are the one who shows a direction to your mind and then, your mind follow that direction without asking you a question. Whatever direction you show to your mind, make sure your mind brings back happiness, prosperity and above all meaning to your life!

Responsible men make better world

A man has to protect and provide for his family! Dear men, You are on a mission. You got humble and forthright goal in front of you to take care of not just yourself in a careful manner but, to protect and provide for your family. It’s very depressing to say that, men these days are wandering aimlessly on social media and becoming more and more depressed. With the help of my blogs my goal is clear crystal is to help men to take control of their lives and start giving steady direction to the entire mankind. The world is facing crises of responsible men. How the hell we reached here? It doesn’t happen in a day. All I know that, it started with when we brain wash for young men. Social media played a very significant role to make young men suffer incredibly. With all that senseless & baseless garbage on social media platform to teach young men about it’s okay for men to be weak, it’s okay for men to be confused about their biology status… let me put it straight it’s not okay! Men are meant to be tough. They are built to take maximum load of responsibilities on their shoulders to make sure that world doesn’t come to apart. Dear men, there’s huge difference between men and female (physically, mentally and emotionally). I don’t care what the society says but my thinking is very clear you can’t become female if you are male and vice versa. Even if you decided to go for expensive treatment, you can’t defy your nature. You can’t mess up with your biology. Men have to come out of the trap created by government that run on corporate money. They need to come out of stupid social media content that has no give and take relationship with the vision of being a man. They need to stop watching main stream media that is working tirelessly 24/7 to make men overly emotional. My fellow men, you have gotten a great gift from the creator to make best use of your semen. Instead of losing your mind in porn addiction, drugs abuse you need to harness your semen for higher goals, for the common good of the world. You need to focus all your energy into building, creating and adding value to the world.Men are made to glorify God, not celebrities. Men are made to seek truth, serve others with justice. Don’t have doubts. Start building your life by working out, Give importance to reading, writing, saving money and investing it. It’s so hard for me to see that, our men are working from pay-check to pay-check, begging government for the money, living a life of complaining and whining. Enough is enough. You are here on this planet to justify your existence by following the path of righteousness. Open the book of history. Take inspiration from great men. Read philosophy. Read about great rulers, inventors. Sharpen your mind by reading about ancient history. Those men did something for humanity. Their blood is flowing in your veins. Follow them. There’s are couple of things you really need to put straight to your head, mind and soul Worship God only. (Read spiritual books) Take responsibility towards your life and make it better Retain your semen and serve mankind Quit complaining and whining Men, life is tough. You need to show some toughness, some endurance, some determination to make progress in your life! You got more than a job. Protect and provide for your family

Don’t get lost in dense fog

We need to head towards the right direction. Let me ask you this when you are coming back to your house from a drive of 3 long hours in a dense fog would you like to get lost or would you follow the directions that leads towards your house? Now imagine how much time we waste, when we head towards the wrong direction in our lives. It’s a matter worth writing. So, let me give it a try… I’m not saying that, we need to be right all the times. We need to know that, we are a part of a broken world. There’s a presence of good and evil in our lives and that’s a human nature to commit sins (lie, deceive & dishonesty) I wanna to make one thing very clear that, we can’t be right all the times because time changes, intentions change, behaviour changes. I mean there are hundreds of things change. There’s always something new to learn. There’s no shame to accept it when you are in a wrong direction of your life. At least, you have the courage to accept your flaws. There’s always a come back from the path of evilness as long as you recognize the strength & courage of your soul. Some people in the jails realize that, they took the lives of many innocent people in the heat of aggression. They try to repent their heinous acts against humanity and come back home to make positive changes in their lives but, also for their families for keeping peace in the community. So, if some vicious criminals transform themselves into better person then, why can’t we? I know that, some of you might not like to see your faces in the mirror cause you hate yourself. You might say to me hey Kush, I got all the valid reasons why do I hate myself but, I will say to you that, you would get lost in the dense fog if you don’t care. At least, think about your family members eagerly waiting for you to come back home. If, you don’t care about your family at least, take care of your inner voice. You can’t do anything against your own nature/will. So, make efforts to follow right path in your life. There’s no doubt that, the right direction leads to happiness & prosperity. But, before taking right direction it’s okay to put step in wrong direction. Get some experience. Get the taste of evilness. If there’s any strength in your conscience, it will force you to go to right direction. Don’t feel helpless. Let the virtues like honesty, just, free will, kindness, truth and humility enlighten your path Don’t get lost in fog

Let fundamental principles guide you

People are wrong when they say that, life has no rules, no principles, no laws. So many people especially, the young ones are living in a bubble when their famous superstar say to them in life there’s no boundaries. That’s all crap. Life got a basic structure, guiding principles/rules/laws when followed lead to peace & prosperity. This blog post is for all of those who are looking to form an organized structure to give a steady direction in their lives. I genuinely believe that, there are some guiding principles that we must follow to live our lives. Now the question arises what are those guiding principles? Very simple answer: seeking truth, Acting just and fair, revering God, be content and live a life of modesty and simplicity. These principles are very simple to write down on a paper but, if you ask me about following them well, that’s pretty hard. But, it’s worth it. Anytime I do a mistake, these guiding principles direct me to follow the path of righteousness. We need to keep one thing in mind that, we are not smarter than the one who created us. We are not smarter than the one who brought up us into the universe. Yes, I’m talking about the God/higher power. We make mistakes. We don’t follow the guiding principles all the time that’s all fine. But, one thing we need to do constantly is that, we need to get up and re connect ourselves again to the laws of life to keep moving forward in a steady direction. I was reading a book named Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. There’s so many great thing about the book but, one thing Really caught my attention was that, what should be the behaviour of human beings when there’s chaos in life? So, I would like to share the paragraph from the book “Suppose that men kill thee, cut thee in pieces, curse thee. What then can these things do to prevent thy mind from remaining pure, wise, sober, just? For instance, if a man should stand by a limpid pure spring, and curse it, the spring never ceases sending up potable water; and if he should cast clay into it or filth, it will speedily disperse them and wash them out, and will not be at all polluted. How then shalt thou possess a perpetual fountain [and not a mere well]? By forming thyself hourly to freedom conjoined with contentment, simplicity, and modesty.” I said to myself that’s it! That’s what I was looking for. One should be like ever running fountain any problem arises, one should go back to the basic principles that govern life. No matter how many times you go and visit your principles but, it’s important to make mind to seek help from them! I know that, the world is a cruel place. You got all kinds of addictions. I hear you. I even know that, you have done everything in your control to eradicate toxic things/ addictions out of your life but, some how you are stuck. You are helpless but, you need to say this in your mind that, you are like a perpetual fountain. Bad things can hamper your physical body but, there’s no way it can damage the strength and courage of your soul. Make a list of guiding principles right now that will guide your life. It’s a good way of living. You can have peace of mind with that! I have already mine on the wall. You do the same thing. Anytime you feel the urge to do something stupid go back to the list and read it aloud. I’m sure your guiding principles won’t let you fail. May God be with you!