our noble mission is to stay good and help each-other.
You read it right. You are on a mission. You were born with purpose. Everyone is assigned with some kind of roles(good & bad) to play in their lives. Let’s talk about the noble mission in this blog post.
What’s the mission?
What’s exactly about the mission we’re talking about? Let me open the suspense. Our aim is to strive to be a good person. Our goal is to constantly going for dignity, kindness, courage, endurance, chastity, and love/care for each other. This is our noble mission that we should aim at the highest level.
Look, there are so many bad things are happening in the world. Mainstream media, our governments, big corporations all wanna to control us. We need to step up. Show up some little bit of courage and practice what’s Ethically & morally right. If you ask me what’s the right thing to do right now is to show good behaviour, taking care of our humble responsibilities and giving a right direction to the society. I see that, our society talks a lot about good values but, we don’t practice it well. I’m not saying that you need to be 10 out of 10 when you do something good… most of us can’t. One thing we need to really work on is to pick up something meaningful and stick with it. Consistency is very crucial.Consistency is the key
I wonder why people scream depression a lot these days cause, nobody is actually talking to them about the humble goals. Most of us not talking about fundamentals of life. Weather can change, people can change, technology can change, politicians can change but, no one can change the fundamentals of life. The basics of life ( humility, honesty, rational thinking, justice, seeking truth) saying to us over and over again that, the world have seen countless terrible things and we need to change our focus from bad to good.
If, you would like to take one thing out of this blog post then, show the world your good behaviour. Practice kindness whenever it’s possible. Our ancestors were tough soul. They achieved greatness in their lives with great character. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The path is already laid down in-front of us. All we need to grab enough courage, take one step forward and do good things. Period!