Real Strength!

You are fortunate if you have strength. Everything in your life requires strength. If you wanna to wake up in the morning, it requires strength. If you wanna do something it requires strength. You can’t fake your strength. Anything that you have achieved is because of strength and everything that you are going to get is the direct result of strength.

You should never under estimate your strength. The stronger your faith in something, the more strength you will have to face adversity. Your real strength is all based on what you think about yourself. There should be no damn reason you should be thinking petty about yourself. You have been created by God. You have His spirit in you so why you think so low of yourself? There’s no need.

You matter. Your strength matters. I’m not just simply saying that. I’m not a motivational writer. I believe that, we are on this living planet to make some real changes with our real strength. When you have the capability to do anything, make sure that you make best use of your strength. In the Bible it says that, the glory of young men is their strength. So, young men you got strength to build your life out of scratch. You have the power to bring your loved ones closer to your life.
Only God knows how many people feel so bad about themselves. Only God knows how many people don’t realize that they have the potential. They can turn their potential into positive strength by really working on it.
There’s no magic road to success. It just involves intense work. It requires intense patience. If you are low on strength go and ask God to help you in life. Seeking help is not wrong. Staying weak is wrong. Blaming yourself is wrong. Blaming God is Wrong.
So, stand up and work on your strength.