A secret Energy!

This is a very special blog for me! It’s not that all the other blogs that I wrote so far aren’t special but this one is too special for me. We all have secret energy. A very few people are aware of this secret force that can transform our lives to the fullest. So, in this blog post I will talk about what I learnt so far about this Secret Energy!

Recently, I read a book named- Sex matters. How to transform sex into super consciousness by Osho. I would like everyone to read that book for once in their lifetime. I promise you that, this book will change your life forever. Sex energy is a life force. It’s divine and has far greater value than electricity. It’s godly. If sex energy can give life to birth and just imagine what if would do to you if your transform your sex energy into higher level.
I learnt about sex is the foundation of life. Most of us are just struck there. Sex is just the first step of the ladder. It’s not the END. If we transform our sexual energy, we can rise in Love and from love, we can transform it into divine prayer. In this world there’s a complete repression of our sexual energy and maybe, that’s why, we are into so much of Perversions. You take any example from porn to masturbation, from drugs to alcohol. From binge watching to complete laziness. It’s all result of our repressed sexual energy. You can not destroy this divine energy. It will come out someway and somehow. We can completely channelize this godly energy. What we are doing with this energy is simply wasting it out of no reason. We are indulged in all kind of sexual perversions. We are like caged animals who have no idea how to be creative with this life force.

We all are very low on our sexual energy. More sexual energy = Better health, better confidence, more expansion, more productivity, high creativity, more muscles, deeper voice, more focus, better communication, better understanding and better over-being! I can find only one reason why we hate ourselves. We hate ourselves because we have not under stand the value of our sexual energy. We all responsible for sheer wastage of this divine energy that has the capacity to create a life. Imagine if this life force is capable of creating life then if we truly understand it with the help of meditation and love then, how better we can function as human beings.

So, I would urge everyone to read that book to understand the value of your secret Energy!